
Desktop version of Sharif Linux contains the Firefox web browser, the office suites OpenOffice and Evolution (including a word processor, a spreadsheet, an email client, a contact manager, a calendar, ...), instant messaging software, and several other pieces of software and is suitable for enterprise-level and educational uses.

Sharif Linux 2.0

Sharif Linux 2 is the first version of this operating system with a bilingual Persian/English user interface and would be suitable for use by the general public.

This version encludes:

Some softwares including Nautilus, Evolution (partly), Rhythembox, Clock Applet, etc. support Persian calender in version 2.

Sharif Linux installer for versin 2 is available in both Persian and English.

See screenshots.

Sharif Linux 1.0

Sharif Linux version 1, which had an English user interface but could also process and display Persian information, was delivered to Shell Development Iran, Royal Dutch Shell’s branch in Iran, in June 2005. Its different editions are being used in Shell on both server machines as a server operating system and on desktops and laptops as a destkop operating system.

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